Group Cor 5
Group 5

Privacy policy


Birn+Partners (B+P) needs to gather and use certain information about individuals. B+P only gather relevant information, which is needed for the B+P employees to do their job.

These can include customers, suppliers, business contacts, employees, potential candidates and other people the organization has a relationship with or may need to contact.

Privacy is important to B+P. This privacy statement explains what personal data we collect, and how we use, handle and store it to meet B+P’s data protection standards and to comply with the law.
Birn+Partners contact information:


What information is being collected?
B+P gathers certain information about individuals, however, the information gathered may not be the same depending on whether the individual is a customer, candidate, supplier, employee or other relevant people.


B+P works with executive search, where information on individuals is needed in solving assignments.

B+P collects information about any candidates, including name, phone number, email. This information is collected through publicly available social media - network or databases like LinkedIn, Facebook etc. or via personal network by candidate recommendations.

When we collect data about candidates, candidates will be notified within 10 days after we have obtained the personal information – we send them a declaration of content. B+P uses this information to contact potential candidates in recruitment and headhunting assignments to offer them to be considered for a certain position, which they have been assessed to be a candidate for. The candidates send their CV’s including personal information to B+P for vacant positions, assessment, coaching or unsolicited. Birn+Partners gets a declaration of consent and store the CV for 6 months.

Some selected candidates are undergoing personality tests. In connection with the submission of the test, the provider refers to their privacy policy and Birn+Partners gets a declaration of consent from the candidate.
The candidates’ CV and application are with their declaration of consent stored for 6 months in our file structure Sharepoint.

When a candidate is hired by our client - B+P removes all information in accordance with the declaration of consent that has been entered with the candidates.


Clients hire B+P to lead an executive search for their next manager, specialist or C-level leader. Prior to cooperation customers deliver the needed information upon request from B+P.
To build successful relationships with customers, B+P needs to store certain information:

• Name and contact information (phone number and email) on key people
• Company address and website
• CVR number (CVR is Denmark’s master register of information about businesses)
• Invoicing email address
• Terms of payment
• Confidential information regarding organizational challenges and needs etc.

None of the information is considered sensitive information but considered confidential toward customers. This information is stored in our web CRM and our ERP system Economics.


B+P has different suppliers, who deliver goods or services. Prior to cooperation suppliers inform B+P of all relevant information.
To build successful relationships with suppliers, B+P needs to store certain information:

• Name and contact information (phone number and email on key people
• Company address and website
• Bank account information
• Terms of payment

This information is stored in our web CRM and our ERP system Economics.


Who will it be shared with?

Candidate information is divided into three categories:

  • Candidates, who have accepted to enter recruitment process with B+P
    This candidate information can be shared with all internally relevant people in B+P and sometimes also with the customer (hiring manager)
  • Candidates, who are unaware that they are potential candidates for one or more recruitments will be notified within 10 days after we have obtained the personal information – we send them a declaration of content.
  • Candidates, who are in coaching or assessment process.


Client information is only shared internally in B+P and with the B+P financial accountant EY.


This information is only shared internally in B+P.


Information is only shared internally in B+P with employees who is connected to the specific cases and with the B+P financial accountant EY.

How and for how long does Birn+Partners keep their personal information?
B+P is dedicated to only collect, use and store information that is relevant for ongoing assignments whether it be recruitment assignments, onboarding, assessment, development, coaching or back office assignments e.g. financial and administrative assignments.

All information is stored in compliance to the GDPR:

Candidate information is stored up to 6 months after consent of the subject. The paper versions are stored in locked cabinets in each B+P office, while the electronic version is stored in the B+P SharePoint

Financial information is store up to 5 years as dictated by The Danish Accounting Act. The paper version is stored in the B+P head office (in each country), while the electronic version is stored in our ERP system Economic.

According to the Personal Data Regulation, Birn + Partners must keep all personal information safe and confidential.

Birn + Partners saves all their personal data in IT systems with controlled and restricted access.


Why is it being collected?
All data present at B+P is used for either business or operations.


Candidate information is crucial to our business, as the core of our business consists of being able to find “the needle in a hay stack”-candidate or deliver effective consultancy to the clients. This is what our customers are paying us for. This on the other hand provides opportunity for potential candidates to be considered for positions they may not otherwise know was vacant.


All information regarding customers are connected to assignments for which we need to get paid. Having the correct information is crucial to receive payments.


All information regarding suppliers are connected to purchases made by B+P for which the suppliers must be paid. Having the correct information is crucial for B+P to comply with given payment terms.


Due to legislative issues most, countries demand that employers have certain relevant information on their employees in order to comply with notice periods, pay salaries etc.


The registred rights
As per Birn+Partners, you have the right to understand what information Birn+Partners has registered about you, where they originate and what personal information is used for.

If the personal information that Birn+Partners have about you is incorrect or misleading, you may at any time require your personal information to be corrected, deleted or blocked.

You can make use of your rights by using the contact information that you find at the top of this privacy policy.

If you wish to appeal to Birn+Partner's processing of your personal information, you may appeal to the Data Inspectorate at the following contact information:

Data Protection Agency
Borgergade 28, 5
1300 Copenhagen K