Group Cor 5
Group 5
Get a head start in your new job

Whether it's your first job or you're making a switch after several years with an employer, a new job has the potential to be a terrifying prospect. A little guidance, however, can go a long way towards alleviating anxiety and ensuring you make an outstanding first impression. So, without further ado, let's review everything you need to know to steal the show.


Be prepared

Knowledge is power. The more you know about your new employer, the better. Investing time in researching the organisation and its executives will pay dividends from day one. The company website is a great starting point. Also consider following key executives on social media. Taking the initiative in this way will almost certainly strike a chord with your new boss and make a great impression when it becomes evident that you have done your research.

In short, familiarise yourself with top-level management and the business model. But also keep in mind that neither your colleagues nor your manager will expect you to know everything there is to know about the organisation on day one. With that in mind, ask carefully considered questions. Far from creating a negative impression, asking intelligent questions will display your enthusiasm and capacity for critical thinking.


Be presentable

Presentation is success pre-empted. The importance of dressing well cannot be overstated. Many regard appearance as an expression of manners and a sign of self-respect. At the very least, a clean-cut and professional appearance serves as a statement of respect for your new employer. Most companies will have a dress code. Make sure you are familiar with this. However, even if the word "casual" makes an appearance, keep your attire on the smarter side.


As the saying goes

"Early is on time, on time is late and late is unacceptable."

Be punctual

Looking sharp means nothing if you're late. Punctuality is vital to getting off on the right foot at your new job. It is more than a demonstration of self-discipline and time-management skills. It is yet another sign of respect and respect in the workplace is the foundation of success. As the saying goes, "early is on time, on time is late and late is unacceptable."

Getting a head start in your new job is about making a good impression. Be prepared. Be presentable. Be punctual. Follow these three simple steps and your success will be a sure thing.

