Group Cor 5
Group 5
Finding the advantage in adversity

All living organisms have a fundamental drive to avoid risk and overcome adversity. From a biological perspective, failure is not an option. And anyone in a leadership position will be able to identify with that sentiment.


A time of unprecedented adversity

If the events of the early 2020s have revealed anything to humanity, it is that adversity is as inevitable as it is unpredictable, and that some leaders are able to thrive in challenging times, while others simply capitulate and assign blame to external forces beyond their control.

Those who thrive, however, all exhibit what organisational psychologists call "authentic resilience." They find innovative ways to navigate the perilous waters of uncertainty. They recognise and transform challenges into opportunities. They embrace risk and adversity as forerunners of the critical experiences that power their success.


The hallmarks of authentic resilience

So, what's the secret to leveraging potential disasters into extraordinary achievements? How do these resilient leaders overcome fear of failure and the desire to dwell in despair?

Here are three attributes of resilient leaders who employ adversity to their advantage:


1. They master their emotions

When it comes to self-discipline, nothing is more crucial than emotional intelligence. Several studies have found that awareness of your own emotions and those of the people around you play a significant role in the ability to deal with adversity.

Mastering their emotions allows leaders to calmly assess challenging situations and conceptualise a new vision for the future. As the saying goes, "If you don't master your emotions, your emotions will master you."

Three attributes on how to employ adversity to advantage:

  1. They master their emotions
  2. They develop a growth mindset
  3. They make bold moves

2. They develop a growth mindset

Resilient leaders who consistently achieve remarkable results in the face of adversity have all developed and mastered specific internal competencies to help them achieve external results. Chief among these is the abandonment of a fixed mindset, the belief that intelligence and ability are somehow static or predetermined, in favour of cultivating a growth mindset.

They see a challenge as an opportunity to succeed. They see a crisis as a chance to learn. They embrace the inevitability of the unexpected. And therein lies the true benefit of developing such a mindset: the ability to adapt and evolve into the most effective leader for every situation.


3. They make bold moves

Bold moves separate resilient leaders from the rest. A leader who can turn any adversity into an advantage has the ability to recognise when maintaining the status quo no longer serves their purpose or brings them closer to their goals, and they are willing to move out of their comfort zone by making bold moves.

By overcoming fear of disappointment or failure, they make the daring decisions that power performance and success. They approach the problem with confidence and determination. They view adversity as a chance to create an alternative path – to dream bigger, to push harder, and to take even greater leaps forward.

Ready to add authentic resilience to your leadership repertoire?

If you are motivated to grow your leadership abilities, Birn+Partners can provide the support you need. Our leadership development programme will help you master all the skills needed to achieve authentic resilience and find the advantage in every adversity you face moving forward.



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